slightly wonky

Small hands
March 5, 2015, 3:09 pm
Filed under: Fleeting thoughts..., Sewing | Tags: , , , , , ,

I don’t know about you, but I’m trying to maintain sanity during this absurd winter.


That’s our walk to school.  This image was taken several weeks ago.  It’s worse now, but I have given up taking pictures.  I need my arms now to keep balance when traversing the treacherous wasteland, formerly known as “the sidewalk.”  What’s even more ridiculous, is that Boston hasn’t broken the record yet for snowfall.  HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?  I don’t remember signing on for the Antarctic here…or was that in the fine print somewhere?  Where’s my lawyer?  Am I not entitled to a team of sled dogs by now?


This is a snow pile near our house.  The town has started dumping snow in this lot at the nearby reservoir.  Notice the house that is barely visible in the background.  Yes, that mound of snow is probably 25′ tall.  And yes, I am letting my child climb on it as I repeatedly yell, “BE CAREFUL!!!“.  This is my way of trying to avoid being both a helicopter parent and a negligent moron.  It turns out that I am both.

My son recently had a play date that, in typical fashion, spiraled into mayhem.  The mayhem is my fault, which is also typical.  Instead of refusing to allow my child and his friend to play with his chemistry set, I actually said “okay.”  I tried, in vain, to contain the insanity:


This is my son and I admiring his handiwork.  I managed to have the wherewithal to deny them more food coloring. Next time, I’m just going to let them watch TV.

I realize that I made a similar error in judgment a few weeks ago when I agreed to buy my son a “fossil excavation” kit.  You may recall (if you have no life and have read this blog for way too long…) that in an earlier post I vowed NEVER to purchase one of these kits again.  And yet, I somehow thought that this time it would be okay/less messy/better.  Well…surprise!   I was wrong…yet again:


Yes…this is our dining room table.  Yes…there are chunks of rocky plaster being smashed on the table by my son with his hammer and chisel.  Yet again, I vow NEVER to buy one of these things EVER EVER EVER AGAIN.  I think that when my son develops severe asthma as a result of this “educational toy”, I am to blame.  TV is starting to sound like a “no brainer” to me, both literally and figuratively.

So, I haven’t seen any art lately, as I would imagine that most museums and galleries have given up due to this ridiculous winter.  I know that’s not true, but I also know that I do not have an AWD car, so I am not attempting to haul myself anywhere.  In spite of my general malaise and apathy, I made some cards that I listed on Etsy:


They’re cute, right?  I’ve sewn tiny scraps of fabric onto them.  This is about all that I have the energy to do at the moment.  When the snow melts, sometime in June, I may venture further afield and bring you back images of real art to look at.  Until then, I’m just sewing tiny scraps of fabric onto cardboard.  (small hands)