slightly wonky

Playdoh and potato chips…
August 29, 2013, 11:00 pm
Filed under: Drawing, Fleeting thoughts... | Tags: , ,

The summer is winding down.  We’re in that odd time period between camp and school…the parental Twilight Zone.  (no…not with vampires, you young’uns…the old school one).  This is the place where time stands still and an endless refrain of “Mommy?…Mommy?…Mommy?…” lulls me into a semi-catatonic stupor whilst I aimlessly wander down the aisles at Stop & Shop and wonder when I can have my brain back.  I adore my child.  Really.  It’s just that the daily drudgery of adulthood sometimes saps my joie de vivre and makes me weary.  Why can’t I just play with playdoh all day and eat potato chips for dinner?  Oh yeah…because that’s not a job and I’ll be 300 lbs by the end of the first week.


My son made this drawing a few days ago.  Hilarious, right?  Doesn’t it kind of look like THIS?:


Or, is that just me?  (ahem…not LITERALLY…thankyouverymuch…)

Instead of growling, my son’s horrible beast is yelling, “BOO” repeatedly.  I’m going to have to find some “nice” drawings, in case the school psychologist wants to analyze what he creates.  At least he didn’t label the beast, “Mommy,” I suppose.

I haven’t gotten out to see ANY art as a result of my dearth of childcare.  We’ve been home creating all sort of random stuff with Lego:


We created a mini-city, shrinking down our usual scale of lego architecture.  Cute, right? The “building” with the banana on top made me think of this one in Japan:


That’s the Asahi Beer Building in Sapporo, Japan.  (I’ve actually been there.)  The thing on top of the building is supposed to be a yam, I think.  Only in Japan would a company decide to put a yam on their building.  We can’t pass judgement, as we do stuff like this:


Sigh.  That’s kind of sad.

Besides seeing no artwork this week (except for that created by my kindergartener) and getting barely any of work done, I got a new “toy”…check it out:

a-tabletNice, right????  No, it’s not a hot plate.  Pay attention.  It’s a super fun tablet for me to make remedial drawings on my computer!!!  Why remedial, you may ask?  Well, because I’m completely inept at Adobe Illustrator.  The pen tool?  Tool of the devil, more like it.  So far, there is a STEEP learning curve for me to EVER get the hang of it.  I’m basically trying to dig my way out of the Mariana Trench of ineptitude with a pressure sensitive stylus.  I did manage to scrawl out this today:

PrintNo, that’s NOT some kind of deformed slime creature from the swamp.  Yes, I was TRYING to draw with the stylus, and NOT my elbow.  That’s SUPPOSED to be a jade plant.  Egads.  If anyone out there wants to give me some Adobe Illustrator pointers, I’m all ears…or eyeballs…or whatever.  Why don’t I just pick up a pencil and draw it like a normal person?  Who knows?  Is it because I thrive on challenge?  If that were the case, I’d be homeschooling my son.  HAAA!  No way.  So, I don’t know what leads me to want to use a tablet and have to BASICALLY RE-LEARN how to draw.  It’s the masochist in me.  To give you an example of how hopeless I am…this was done in Illustrator by SOMEONE ELSE:


Illustration by

Hmmm….I have a lot to learn.  Perhaps I should use my tablet as a hot plate, and get back to my playdoh and potato chips???

I’ll try to do better next week…both in seeing art and doing art.  I’ll still be in the Twilight Zone, though, as my son doesn’t start school until Sept. 9.  In the meantime, I’m going to try to convince my son that letting mommy have some peace and quiet is just as important as getting two pieces of Lego unstuck and taking the wrapper off of a stubborn popsicle.

Shot through the eye…and you’re too late…
August 17, 2013, 2:08 pm
Filed under: Drawing, Fleeting thoughts..., painting | Tags: , , , , ,

No post last week because we were at the Cape.  AHHHH. I spent a lot of time vegging out, trying not to get sunburned, and struggling to maintain my sanity with my five-year old.  I thought about trying to exercise in some way…maybe doing a pushup or two.  I couldn’t be bothered, and so I continue to look like the “before” picture, in spite of my exercising somewhat consistently for two months.  SIGH.  Nobody tried to harpoon me or ran away screaming, so I guess that means a successful beach trip.

We had good weather…too much ice cream…and mini-golf…



My son felt that we needed a “mini-golf action shot”, so this is it:


Perhaps photojournalism is not my callling?  Does it kind of look like that lady in the background is walking along the club?  Or, is that just me? Don’t all photojournalists hope for that kind of quirky coincidence?  Probably not.


At what age is it possible for a child to eat an ice cream without THIS happening?  I’m hoping by 12.  Only 7 more years to go.  Hey, at least we were using my husband’s car for the week…sorry, Honeeeey!!!!

I didn’t bring my latest drawing to work on at the Cape.  What a slacker!  I thought about it…saw the packed wad of luggage in the back of the car, and decided against it.  Do I really need sand and sunscreen smeared all over it?  No way.  INSTEAD OF BEING TRULY PRODUCTIVE, I worked on this little sewn pouch, which I am SUPER excited about…CHECK IT OUT:


Eh?  Not bad, right?  Lookit all the tiny fabric pieces I sewed together and quilted!  And the back:


I attempted a sort of “sashiko” stitching to relate to the front.  Nice!

The inside:


And a detail:


This was my first little pouch like this…I loved making it!  There’s something seriously wonky about it, but if I make another…I’ll try to do better next time.  The majority of it is hand-sewn…with just the zipper and overall construction done on the machine.  Now, if I could just sell it for $1000, it will be worth the time/energy/materials I put into it!  Ha ha!   Just kidding!  (Well, sort of…sigh…)

So, this week hasn’t been totally unproductive, as the previous week has clearly been.  (Unless you consider getting all of the sand and ice cream off of my son at the end of the day “productive”.)  I managed to get to the South End to check out a couple of galleries yesterday.  Naturally, I had to stop by Carroll and Sons to see who they’re showing…


Raul Gonzalez at Carroll and Sons, Boston

The work of local artist, Raul Gonzalez, is in the main space.  Two words: LOVE. IT.  PLEEEEASE, go and see this show.  It’s only up until Aug. 31, so leave NOW…esp if you are coming from Australia (that means you, Ruth…)


Raul Gonzalez at Carroll and Sons, Boston

Gonzalez paints exquisite scenes of horrifying depravity, decapitation, and dismemberment.   Each painting could capture your open-jawed attention for an hour, at least.  In most scenes, you’ll find a skeleton, possibly a lucha libre mask, and a pitiful character who is often simultaneously dishing out and receiving some heinous crime.


Raul Gonzalez at Carroll and Sons, Boston

The linework is amazing…the bright, yet dirty, palette is amazing…the composition is amazing…never mind the content, which is fascinating and horrifying at the same time.  Stunning.


Raul Gonzalez at Carroll and Sons, Boston

I’m sorry that this one is blurry.  I love how the bullet is ricocheting around the drawing perimeter.  Naturally, it had to shoot out the eye of the snake…

Go see this show NOW.  Just don’t bring the kids, lest you want to spend your whole time explaining why that guy no longer has a head, or why this guy’s eyes have fallen to the ground.  I don’t know either, but it’s awesome.  Gonzalez is oozing brilliance.  I bask in his artistic glory.  His work is AMAZING.  A must see.

Speaking of oozing, THIS is what my son brought home from camp this week:


What in God’s name is that lumpy stick, you may ask?  Why, it’s a “magic wand” of course!  It apparently has a few coats of plaster of paris and paint on it.  Hmmm.  I’ve tried using it.  It doesn’t work.  My house is still a mess and I still look like a “before” picture.  I might have to ask the camp for my money back…


My son drew this this week.  What is it?  I have no idea…but perhaps he’s a burgeoning Raul Gonzalez?  Does anyone else see a lucha libre mask in this????  No?  Maybe that’s for the best.  Actually, maybe I need to get out of the house more than once a week…at least for fresh air, or something.  I’ll be sure to bring my son’s magic wand…just in case the thing decides to start working.  It may help me to finally find the fast moving line at Stop & Shop, or something non-existent like that.  If nothing else, we can serve it to daddy after dinner and tell him that it’s a vegan cookie.  Good times…

CAA New Member Show & makin’ stuff

Is there anything more annoying than a sluggish computer mouse?  I think not.  I may have to fling this one into the backyard with the lawn clippings…

How has my week been?  Perhaps I can summarize by asking if you can you guess what song my son has had on repeat today?  No, not “The Wheels On The Bus.”  No, not “If You’re Happy and You Know It.”  He’s been playing the brooding Godzilla theme song all day.  Why…WHY, you may ask?  Well, because he listens to it (with the volume WAY UP) and then pretends to be Godzilla knocking down a block city and stomping on matchbox cars, that’s why.  Most of his peers are interested in Skylander Giants, Ninjago, or Spiderman.  My son finds those marginally interesting, but his heart belongs to Godzilla.


Sigh.  He’s kind of a social outcast with his Godzilla obsession.  As a worrier, this concerns me.  Why can’t he just like Batman like all of the other kids?  In addition, I am concerned that he will want to BE Godzilla for Halloween.  This would be totally beyond my non-existent costume-making ability.  Maybe he’s settle for a green sweatpants/sweatshirt combo with some strategically placed tie-hangers on his back?


No?  Oh well.  I give up.  I’ll worry about that again in half an hour…

So, I had a meeting this week at the Cambridge Art Association about an upcoming group show.  While I was there, I got to see the New Member Show that was up.  This is an exhibit of the people who were recently accepted into the Cambridge Art Association.  Congratulations all!  There was some great stuff to see:


Elizabeth Hardjono, Silence, Magnesium Plate Etching

Ahem.  I love this.  This print is sooooo beautiful.  I wish that the artist had a website. (HINT HINT) I’d love to see MORE of her other work.  Don’t you LOVE the delicate figure?  Isn’t the composition amazing?  I love it.


Lynne Klemmer, Intuit Images: TD Woman #5, Gouache / Pigment

This painting is so different, yet also beautiful.  Great colors…great form and markings…I love how it fills the paper…look at her face!  I’d love to see more in this series as well.  You can check out her website, but it seems that this series of paintings are not up yet.


Tom Stocker, Tom + Sally, Acrylic on Canvas

No, these aren’t fabric, they’re paintings!  This artist’s technique is inspired by textiles, as I learned from his website.  The images are comprised of tiny blobs of multicolored paint, gridded much like needlepoint.  No joke.  Isn’t that amazing?


Conny Goelz Schmitt, Luftschloss, Mixed Media

I was SO excited to see this beautiful piece, as I know this artist!  (Does that somehow make me more important?)  She participated in the Artist’s Professional Toolbox program with me at Montserrat College of Art.  He work is amazing.  She often works with materials from old books as well.  Great job, Conny!

What have I been up to?  Well, not much…


I’ve discovered how delicious cinnamon toast w/ butter and an iced coffee is for breakfast.  I may have to make this my meal of choice for the whole day!  Who needs vitamins?  That’s what Flintstones are for!

I’ve also rediscovered how I love to make weird stuff and mail it to people.  My latest:


This is one of those “fortune tellers” that we used to make as kids.  I kind of made mine a photomontage.  SO MUCH FUN.  I know.  I’m brilliant.  What?  The living room is a mess?  No one has fed the fish today?  Why is there spilled iced coffee on the dining room table?  Pshaw.  Don’t bog me down with such BANAL matters.  I’m makin’ STUFF.


What’s this mess, you may ask?  MWAH-HA-HA!!!  It is an INSANE little patchwork project that I’ve started.  LOOK AT HOW TINY THOSE PIECES OF FABRIC ARE!  The small squares are 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm.  I kid you not.  CRAZY.  Luckily, I’m nearsighted.

Umm…if you’re wondering how my latest drawing is going…it’s coming along.  Sloooowly.  Well, I don’t like to rush perfection.  (That’s a joke).  Actually, the truth of it is that I have A.D.D. when it comes to MAKING STUFF.  Does anyone else have that problem??????  What’s the opposite of A.D.D.?  O.C.D.?  Sometimes, I do wish that I had O.C.D. about cleaning stuff, as I’m particularly weak in the housekeeping department.  (I’m not making light of O.C.D….that’s serious, and I’m not.)  I do SOMETIMES make an effort not to be messy.  But, as I just finished reading, Coming Clean: A Memoir, by Kimberly Rae Miller, I feel like the queen of cleanPlease read this book.  It is a heartbreaking memoir of a woman growing up with a father who is a hoarder.  Not just messy, like me, but an actual hoarder.  It’s an AMAZING read.


Hmm.  Maybe I will go and clean up something just to reassure myself that I’m not a hoarder…starting with my spilled iced coffee and the fallen block city that my son so lovingly toppled over this afternoon…then I’ll likely get distracted and start making stuff again…SEND HELP!